Web Pages of My Personal Interest
- https://www.examtime.com/es - It is an Educational platform of great interest because through this Web page are different Ways for the Realization of a mind Map, Concept Map, test educational and interests for One more Student. In short Words with this Product I archieved Objectives for the realization of my activities at the university.
- https://es-la.facebook.com/login/- Facebook is a Website with a social utility that allows me to build or integrate into different networks, allowing upload photos, publish notes,for news of friends near and far as interest group pertener
Youtube Video Of my Personal Interest
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98k_c8umnbc&list=PLB82E526F8304DC60- Youtube Link is a much social interest because we can find by an event of different reflections on life, made by mexican broadcaster Mariano Osorio, are of great knowledge and learning
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